Well, the weeks are just rolling by! Since my last post I have officially entered the third and final trimester of my pregnancy. It has already brought new excitement, discomforts and unfortunately, some minor complications (we'll talk more about those in a minute).
This week baby girl is measuring about 4 pounds and is around 16.5 inches long - about the size of a coconut! She will soon be headed into another growth spurt. My doctor says he "predicts" that she will be around 7-8 pounds and 21 inches long.
At this point, baby is acting very much like a newborn baby. She can turn her head side to side, open and close her eyes, reach out for and clasp things like her feet, hands, and the umbilical cord. I often feel her "practice breaths" and frequent hiccups.
Growth: This week my belly is measuring 41.5 inches around and my fundal height (measuring belly from bottom to top) is 34 inches. My total weight gain is 18 pounds.
Movement: It may be a tight squeeze for baby girl, but she is still very active. Of course with less room, it makes it easy to feel every little movement. She is especially active after dinner or work. I'll sit on the couch and just watch her rolling and punching for almost hours. Just in the past few days she has become less oblique in her position (resting diagonally) and is now completely head down. I can feel her moving further down into my pelvis to get ready for delivery. It's getting closer!
New Symptoms: When anyone asks me, "How are you feeling?" (if I had a dollar for every time....) I always give them the most obvious answer, "Really pregnant." Yes, I am officially in the "SO Pregnant!" phase. Brothers - you can make fun all you want! My feet and hands are starting to swell, I have to get up multiple times a night to go potty and take some tums, I feel like a turtle on it's back trying to get up in the morning or even from the couch! But it's all worth it. Nothing I go through in pregnancy overshadows my joy, excitement and gratitude for this baby. **Precious alert!** A few days ago, it was early and my husband and I were snuggling in bed. My husband thought I was asleep, but I was awake with my eyes closed. He kept poking my belly and giggling when Rosie would poke him back. He found where her little bum was sticking out and patted it. Oh my heart! It was so cute! He sure loves his daughter already :)
On a more serious note: I had my 31 week check-up a few days ago. Just the night before I randomly experienced some spotting and frequent, but not regular contractions. I decided to rest it out and tell my doctor in the morning at my appointment. He gave me an ultrasound and we found out that I have marginal-partial placenta previa. (see illustration below)
In all the ultrasounds I've had this pregnancy (7 or 8-with my last just 2 weeks ago), my placenta has been considered "high". The sudden drop this late in my pregnancy worried my doctor. He immediately went over the prognosis (outlook) with me and my options. Basically I have a 50/50 chance that the placenta will reverse (move back up my uterus) as I grow the last few weeks of my pregnancy or that it will move further down and cause a complete placenta previa.
-If it reverses, I will be able to deliver naturally/vaginally as hoped and planned.
-If it stays where it is, it will be watched very carefully and I may or may not have to have a scheduled C-section as soon as I am full term (in about 6 weeks - 4 weeks early).
-If it completes, I WILL have to have a C-section. If we wait too long to do it, I could have major bleeding and require an emergency C-section. I would be on bed rest in the hospital until the doctors decided she needs to come out.
Had this happened/been diagnosed earlier in my pregnancy, my risk would be much lower that it could progress into a complete placenta previa. Causes are little known especially, in the third trimester. Waiting it out and taking action when needed is all we can do. I was given a steroid shot in my thigh to help baby girl's lungs mature and function better - just in case she needs to be born sooner than we thought. I go in for another shot today. I was also put on "pelvic bed rest", which means no intercourse or heavy lifting.
Surprisingly, we have been pretty calm. We are staying positive and we will do whatever we have to do for the health and safety of momma and baby. We will keep you updated!
Cravings: Brownies and lemonade! Can't get enough!!
31 Week
Belly Pictures