Monday, November 3, 2014

33 Weeks Pregnant

Baby girl is doing great! All of her essential parts have been developed for weeks now. All that she needs now is time. Time to gain weight (about half a pound each week), harden her bones, and mature her lungs. 4 more weeks until she will be considered "full term" and only 7 more weeks until her estimated due date.
This week baby is around the size of a pineapple!

Growth: My belly is measuring 42 inches around and my fundal height is 34.5 inches. My total weight gain is around 20 pounds. At this point in my pregnancy I'm likely to gain about a pound a week. That means 7 more pounds to go.
Movement: It seems that baby girl has her days and nights mixed up. Throughout the day I feel little wiggles and prods. Come 10 pm she is awake and rolling like crazy! She has been "practice breathing" a lot more, especially since I got those shots two weeks ago. With more practice breathing comes more hiccups. Just in the past 25 minutes she's had 2 sets of hiccups.
New Symptoms: I'm slowly turning into a hibernating mama bear! I've notice a huge increase in my appetite and my need to take a nap! Back pain has become more and more frequent. I notice that I have more back pain if she is flipped "sunny side up". Yikes!

PLACENTA PREVIA UPDATE: My placenta hasn't moved since my last appointment. It is still partially over my cervix. I'm a centimeter and half dilated, 50% effaced and baby girl is in station 1 (her head is in the birth canal pushing on the cervix...and the placenta). Although I'm not bleeding anymore now (just light pink spotting once and awhile), the chances of bleeding reoccurring get higher each day as she gets lower and lower. The doctor is watching this very carefully and will check on the position of the placenta at each appointment. Right now it looks like I WILL need a C-section. When that will actually take place depends on if I start bleeding and if they can stop the bleeding or if I go into preterm labor. Best case scenario, I go to my appointment next week and he tells me that the placenta has moved and I can deliver naturally. Right now it is just a waiting game. But I guess I'd be waiting for her to come anyway so I might as well stay positive.
Cravings: Everything. Just everything!

33 Week
Belly Picture

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